Thursday, January 20, 2011

Turning 22

First of all you must be thinking what is so special about the age 22.
Are bhai, the hype associated with a 21 year old disappears very soon and an unscrupulous burden of maturity is loaded on the person as he turns 22.

Well after 6-7 months, i am forced back on this portal, coutesy few of my friends.
Principally my current state of mind is diffuse and i wander in the boulevard of uncertainity. Probably one reason which might explain my insanity is the wait time for final year result. But erstwhile there had been a myriad of events which had shapen my life in a new mould.
In this new state of mind, i recall one of my favorite lines from the Shakespearan enigma -

"..there are tides in the affairs of men,
which when taken at the shore, leads on to fortune,

Omitted all the voyages of their lives,
is bound in shallows and in miseries.."

This implies that there is a certain time in everybody's life, which is propitious to acheving defined objectives.

The last decade of my life was spent in deciding the roads where i will be moving for the rest of my life and in this decade i wish to decide the vehicle i will be use to travel on these roads.

So certainly this is a crucial time where all the efforts done so far in life will come to be boulevard where your decisions strengthen the ways to success.

Quite boring huh..well i did not invite you to read;) but this is the state of mind as i have turned 22:)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Signature Collection

'tis there i wait, for thy affection,,
Lo i behold beyond superstition..
for the deeds may reveal, a plenty a few,,
as i stand aghast in the queue..
Come on thy time,,speak 'tis loud,,
for watch my steps into the crowd..
There i behold when to the message,,
Lend me your ears my friend, i am to for the greatest..

Independence Day

As i enter into this addicting world of blogging today, it is surely an feeling of independence for freeing your thoughts from the boundaries of restriction and unleashing them into the fantasies of universe.